Samuel Smith India Ale

Samuel Smith's Brewery

Brewed with well water (the original well at the Old Brewery, sunk in 1758, is still in use, with the hard well water being drawn from 85 feet underground); best malted barley and a generous amount of choicest aroma hops; fermented in ‘stone Yorkshire squares’ to create an exceptionally full-flavoured complex ale with an abundance of maltiness and fruity hop character.

The label on the bottle is based on Samuel Smith’s Victorian letterhead when the brewery was a contractor to Her Majesty Queen Victoria’s forces.

  • Bryggeri: Samuel Smith's Brewery
  • Ølstil: India Ale
  • Land: England
  • Vectura nr: 168472
  • Pris (eks. mva): kr. 49,32
  • Til salg gjennom: Vectura // Grossist
  • Importør: Strag AS
  • Størrelse: 55cl
  • Ant. pr. kart.: 12
  • Alkohol: 5%

Strag - gruppen

Strag   Gavin   Degel    Rimedia

Office address: Billingstadssletta 19B, 1396 Billingstad
Telephone: + 47 671 03 030


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